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RFID - More Than Applications

There's a lot more to industrial RFID systems than just tags that exchange data with readers. And they are used in a heterogeneous collection of applications - more than you might imagine.

RFID has become indispensable for a variety of automated data collection and identification applications. Pepperl+Fuchs' high-quality industrial RFID solutions include our IDENT Control family of industrial RFID tags, readers, and controllers. IDENT Control is designed to be easy to use. Regardless of the network, the communication between IDENT Control and the PLC are identical. It makes IDENT Control the preferred choice for OEM machine builders who use many different PLC platforms.

Learn how the Pepperl+Fuchs' IDENT Control family of industrial RFID solutions is truly the best choice for your RFID applications.

RFID Applications

Automatically refill your raw material bins using RFID

Automatically Refill Your Raw Material Bins Using RFID

Bins are read using a very thin RFID read head. Once bins are removed parts are automatically ordered and resupplied...
Food only has a predefined shelf life better eat it quick

Food Only Has a Predefined Shelf Life, Better Eat It Quick!

RFID tags can be placed on pallets of food material in cold storage locations. When the food is retrieved it is also checked for the born on date, expiration date...
Maintain your process equipment or risk downtime

Maintain Your Process Equipment or Risk Downtime!

RFID tags are placed on valves, actuators, and drives and other important equipment in the Chemical and pharmaceutical industries...
Take user error out of the equation Let RFID system put your garments away

Take User Error Out of the Equation! Let the RFID System Put Your Garments Away.

In past times a dry cleaner would hang your clothes on a hook and then record the number. If the number gets lost or incorrectly recorded then that is a big problem!...
Industrial RFID Enhances Food Safety with Speedy Processing

Industrial RFID Enhances Food Safety with Speedy Processing

Modern meat processing facilities use industrial RFID to track products. Industrial RFID speeds up the entire process and gives the consumer a fresher product...
RFID Gives Routing Sheets a Second Life

RFID Gives Routing Sheets a Second Life...or Third...or Fourth...

Industrial RFID from Pepperl+Fuchs offers a new solution for manual manufacturing systems that typically use routing sheets...
Industrial RFID for Automated Guided Vehicles

Pepperl+Fuchs has industrial RFID solutions for AGVs (automatic guided vehicles)...

Material Handling Uses Industrial RFID in New Ways

Pepperl+Fuchs offers industrial RFID solutions for material handling systems with our IDENTControl RFID Systems...

Mobile Equipment Tool Changes Made Easier with Industrial RFID

Industrial RFID from Pepperl+Fuchs is used to feed vital data to the onboard controllers on mobile equipment...

RFID Solution Monitors Crimp Processes in the Food Packing Industry

RFID Solution Monitors Crimp Processes in the Food Packing Industry

RFID systems with RFID tags from Pepperl+Fuchs improve a sausage filling and crimping process...
RFID Solution Secures Hose Connections

RFID Monitors Hose Connections

RFID technology from Pepperl+Fuchs is used to ensure proper hose connections between storage containers and process vessels...
Choosing High Quality RFID Systems for Machine Tool Verification

Pepperl+Fuchs has a full range of industrial RFID systems and RFID tags for machine tool verification applications...

Why Product Pirates Must Hate Industrial RFID

Why Product Pirates Must Hate Industrial RFID

RFID technology from Pepperl+Fuchs helps protect against product piracy...
Industrial RFID for Airline Catering

Industrial RFID for Airline Catering

Airline catering improves! Induction ovens with integrated RFID systems read tags mounted to individual food trays...
Industrial RFID Opens More than Just Doors

Industrial RFID Opens More than Just Doors

Industrial RFID solutions are ideal when access to machines or plant locations needs to be managed. Communication interfaces to the most common...
Industrial RFID - The Eyes of an Electrical Monorail System

Industrial RFID - The Eyes of an Electrical Monorail System

Monorail systems are common material handling solutions. Most applications for monorail systems involve automotive assembly processes where...

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